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10 Signs You Need Mental Health Treatment

Know the signs so you can make an informed decision.

If you don’t know you are struggling mental illness, like many who are going through it don’t,
you won’t be able to get the treatment you need.

As human beings, we all have idiosyncrasies and foibles that make us unique. It often seems like there is a fine line between people with quirky personality traits and those who are teetering on the edge of a full-blown mental disorder. If you are suffering from mental issues, you are not alone. About one in five adults in the U.S. or 43.8 million people experience a mental illness every year.

  • You have impulsive or obvious mood swings
  • You feel sad, blue, hopeless or down most of the time
  • You worry excessively or feel anxious a lot of the time
  • You cannot shake the impact of past or recent traumatic events

Know the signs.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Women

Women are more likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder due to the kind of stress they encounter in their lives.
After understanding this, we provide better services and high quality care to the women who need this support
after a traumatic event.


Surviving a natural disaster


Witnessing a terror attack


Childhood history of sexual abuse

Know the signs.

Our Recovery Services

Unipolar depression

We will help you with a single polarity depression and find where that depression lies in order to treat it accordingly.

Persistent Depressive

When you are going through persistent depression, you may need some form of relief. We will provide the proper medication and therapists that will help you find the proper solution.

Manic depression

The ups and downs of manic depression require a steady staff to provide calm and compassionate assistance that will help you through it.

To Access Our Services

Don’t wait any longer, help is here for you at Axis Mental Health

We are here to help you! Call us (855) 405-2733

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Axis Mental Health Is Designed
To Provide Clients With Highly Effective
Addiction Treatment Options.

We are here to help you! Call us (855) 405-2733